Thursday, January 24, 2008

Why Ronny?

Sometimes being able to invent real email addresses while offline is worth the few measly currency units for a domain.

The email below is a straight copy and paste from just before I hit "Send".

Well, some names have been changed, obviously.
Have you seen the size of the lads at The Breezes B&B ?

Lovely scenery though. And a huge bay window to sit in and snap away. I'd recommend it if you're on The Ring of Kerry. Especially with the big bay window just across from the fire. We were there in ... probably this time last year, and I would've spent the afternoon in that chair if flowers in the garden hadn't been calling for close-ups. So I guess it was March or April because there was more colour than just daffodils. And just around the corner was one of those "tunnel photos" I love so much. Not quite as good as this one, but home was to the right of this one so I'm not being fair.

Anyway, that's not the real story. The fish in Glenbeigh was the real story of that trip ("We don't serve chips, just fish") but it was the lads in the B&B that finally found the email address this year.


Please consider yourself blacklisted, for sending unsolicited commercial email to a previously unused email address.

BTW, do you know the Sneem Breezes ? I have some nice photos from when we stayed at their B&B, but I know where they are if they'd like to see them.


Are you aware that people are using SPAM to promote your products?

Looked like it was a good product too - helluva lot of awards on the WWW site!

Unfortunately I shall now not be able to download it and see whether it would have stopped the SPAM below. This being gmail it wouldn't've done much good anyway, but such are the sweet little ironies that get us through the day.

Bye now, gotta blog.


On Jan 23, 2008 8:02 AM, wrote:
I use a good spam filter, and you probably do the same.
I have whitelisted you and that means that I will receive all the emails you send to me.
I would appreciate it if you would whitelist my email address: in your spam filter.

If you don't have a spam filter, I can recommend SPAMfighter. It is a highly effective free spam filter for Outlook and Outlook Express.

You can get the free SPAMfighter here:

I hope that you will whitelist me, so we can continue to communicate safely via email in the future.

Best regards

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Blogger Alan said...

If I were you I'd start from here

2:44 p.m.  

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